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Welcome! This is the official website of the Ki Society and its dojos in Europe. We study and teach oneness of mind and body and oneness with the universe through the five disciplines of the Ki Society  – as they were designed by its founder Soshu Koichi Tohei Sensei (1920-2011) and are now taught by his son and successor Kaicho Shinichi Tohei Sensei.

Through the practice of Ki-Aikido (Shinshin Toitsu Aikido), Ki-Meditation, Ki-Breathing, Kiatsu and Sokushin no Gyo we learn to realize the full human potential we naturally have. This is applicable in all aspects of our daily lives, and so it is eagerly practiced by people whose fields are in management, art, sports, education and many others…

Our Practice
Our Teachers
Ki Society
Our Dojos


30.10.2024: Back from a wonderful Ki Society Worldcamp in Osaka/Japan! What an experience… and inspiration for our training! Here are some photos…..

26.9.2024: We are back from a wonderful European seminar taught by different Sensei, with participants from Spain, Italy, Holland and Germany. We had a great time training together, and could celebrate the beautiful Shodan exams of both Lucius from Stuttgart (15) and Bernd from Rodgau (72) – the youngest and the oldest, beautiful to see how well Ki Aikido can be practiced by people of all ages! Here are some photos..


  • 22. – 23.2.2025 – T. Voogels Sensei in Madrid/Spain
  • 7. – 9.3.2025 3-Day-Intensive T. Voogels Sensei in Helmond/NL
  • 19. – 20.4.2025 – Ohara Sensei in Helmond/Netherlands
  • 26. – 27.4.2025 – Ohara Sensei in Valencia/Spain
  • 14. – 15.6.2025 – T. Voogels Sensei in Valencia/Spain
  • 24. – 27.7.2025 – S. Tohei Sensei in Greenville SC/USA
  • 2. – 9.8.2025Summercamp Wachtküppel/Germany
  • 20. – 21.9.2025 – European Seminar in Helmond/Netherlands
  • 30.12. – 1.1.2026 – New Year Ki Seminar in Rodgau/Germany